Sunday, July 12, 2009


It's raining in Seattle! Some one once told me that living in Seattle would completely depress me because it rains so much. I know it's summer and I haven't gone through a Seattle rainy season, but right now I'm enjoying the rain. It was just a little sprinkle but it smells wonderful.

Clean! That's how it smells and it's a beautiful sent. I love to sit and listen to the pitter pat of all the little rain drops and feel as if with every morsel of dew that lands it's renewing earth/life. While it washes the earth I imagine it is washing the sad and hurt from my soul and tomorrow will be a new day.

Today the rain was a welcomed friend who is comforting and beautiful!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Been a while...

Let's see... A lot has been going on but I'm going to keep out the bad stuff!
Sooo... For the good!

1. Opal's surgery was almost 2 months ago and she is healing beautifully! She zips around the house like there is no tomorrow and still loves to play fetch. Becky says the cat is evil. She says it's something in her eyes. All cat's have an "I'm gonna get you when you least expect it!" type vibe so I don't see it. Opal seems to think that chewing on your hair is fun, and she loves to wake me up from a nice nap by doing so.

2. The car was fixed rather quickly! We aren't driving it cause we still don't need it. So on the side of the road it sits. Wish we could sell it but we owe to much money one it. Once we can, we will trade it and the van in for something new. If we need to get some where and the other person has the car, that person will just have to take the bus. We get a free bus pass through work.

3. Found out I'm going to another nephew or a brand new neice! My brother Fred and his girlfriend are going to have a baby! I've heard that he's over the moon and is soo excited! I've never met Fred's girlfriend but I've heard she's nice and she makes him happy. I guess that's all that matters.

4. Work is going really well. Nothing really new there other than my new team mates. I still really like my job. Although I am really getting tired of dreaming about work. Makes for restless nights.

5. Becky (my step-daughter) is 14 now. I can't even believe it! It just seems like yesterday she was the 5 year old flower girl in my wedding.

6. In one months time Mike and I will celebrate our 8th year of marriage! It's amazing to know that I have been married for 8 whole years. They just flew by! I love that man and I hope things work out quickly so we can expand our family. It's a work in progress!
Anyway, That's about all I have for right now. I'll try not to take so long to post next time.
